Needing Action

You can navigate to the needing action menu by first reviewing your batch summary and selecting either a batch ID or specific order highlighted in red under needing action.

The needing action menu will allow you to find and edit orders with missing data or validation errors that require your attention.

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You can search by selecting your account, which will pull all the orders on your account that have issues that need to be resolved.  Searching by a specific batch number will pull only orders within that batch that have issues that need to be resolved.

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From this interface you will be able to export any selected orders as an excel spreadsheet, you can delete any selected orders from this import attempt, or you can retry uploading selected orders.

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You can select the edit option to the right of each order to edit certain fields of that order. 

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After selecting the edit option will open that specific order and you will see a notification of what needs to be resolved for the order.

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If an order is failing for a product set up, please complete the product set up a form and send the completed file to To ensure the SKUs are set up correctly to clear the pending order or orders.

If an order is failing for reasons other than a Product Set up, the required fields with the error will be highlighted under the "New Value" section. Once your changes have been made, click "Save" on the bottom left corner to retry the order through the system. 

Once you update the order(s), they will retry through the fulfillment system for processing, this will take about 20 minutes.

You can also click Cancel to discard your changes. 


The column "Failure Reason" will indicate the type of hold for your order(s). 

Possible reasons:

  • Duplicate Order = The order number submitted has already been submitted within the system.
  • Ordered Item = A product(s) in the order is not set up within the fulfillment system.
  • Requested Priority = The shipping code in the order is not mapped/set up. 
  • Ship-to Address = The required fields for the ship-to address are either invalid or missing data.
    • Required fields for addresses:
      • Ship to First Name
      • Ship to Last Name
      • Ship-to Address Line 1 
      • Ship-to City
      • Ship-to State
      • Ship to Postal Code 
      • Ship-to Country