Weather holds

Your weather hold section is now broken into two parts configure and release

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Configuring your weather holds:

In configure weather holds first you will need to select your account and then you can filter by the fulfilled from location

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You will be able to export a list of any of your currently configured weather holds to an excel file.

Selecting from the ship from the warehouse column will automatically filter your list to all the weather hold configurations based on that ship from location

You will also see who configured the weather hold.

Using the meatball menu to the right of the orders column you can edit the selected weather hold, or you can view the current weather in that location.

National weather information is provided courtesy of

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Pro-Tip: Scrolling to the bottom of your configure page you will see a map of the relative weather holds by state.

Selecting create weather hold will bring up a pop-up window you can determine which location orders are being fulfilled from the State that will be affected, the hold start date, and the hold end date of a new weather hold.

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Selecting to edit the weather hold will create a popup window that will allow you to change the month date and year of the selected weather hold.

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Releasing weather holds:

If you have any orders that are being held because of one of your configured weather holds, you will be able to search the release orders on weather hold by the account name, the fulfilled from location, or the state the order is to be shipped to.

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